Alum is a white crystal made from potassium aluminium sulphate. Besides being commonly used in large-scale industry, alum also has very useful benefits in everyday life. One of the most well-known benefits of alum is as a deodoriser for feet and underarms. Alum can prevent the growth of bacteria that cause bad odours, thus making the area fresher and more fragrant. In addition, alum is also often used as a mouthwash to reduce inflammation in the gums.
Alum can also be used as an ointment to treat sunburned skin or insect bites. Alum can help reduce the pain and inflammation of the skin, as well as help reduce the itchiness of insect bites. In addition, alum is also often used as a food preservative, as it prevents the growth of bacteria that cause food to spoil. With such diverse benefits, alum is a very useful and important ingredient in everyday life.
What are you waiting for? If you need chemicals such as resin, chempoglass, fibreglass, phosphorus strontium, chlorine, alum, aluminum sulfate, carbon fiber, and other chemicals, get them immediately at PT Perdana Chemindo Perkasa via email or whatsapp. PT Perdana Chemindo Perkasa is one of the company that sell fibreglass materials in Surabaya
Perdana Chemindo Perkasa has its head office in Surabaya, but can reach all purchase requests to all regions in Indonesia. Surabaya Fiber Material Store, Kendari Fiber Material Store, Bau-Bau Fiber Material Store, Ambon Fiber Material Store, Maluku Fiber Material Store, Bitung Fiber Material Store, Manado Fiber Material Store, Palu Fiber Material Store, Jayapura Fiber Material Store, Bali Fiber Material Store, Maumere Fiber Material Store, Kupang Fiber Material Store, Atambua Fiber Material Store, Timika Fiber Material Store, Papua Fiber Material Store, Tarakan Fiber Material Store, Makassar Fiber Material Store, Flores Fiber Material Store, Malang Fiber Material Store, Lombok Fiber Material Store, Sumbawa Fiber Material Store, Tual Fiber Material Store.
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